Vivapura Superfoods
Vivapura Superfoods
Wild Jungle Peanuts, Stone Ground Nut Butters, Raw, Organic,

Holiday Survival Recipe!

12-10-2011 12:00 PM By Superfoodie

Whether you're staying put or traveling for the holidays, this recipe will save your day. The ingredients are easy to bring on a plane if you're visiting family or vacationing, and it's the perfect recipe to start your day wherever you are. Yes, I know it's the holidays and sometimes we attempt to eat less during the day to compensate for our over-indulgences at holiday meals. However, if you deprive yourself or eat less during the day, you will only end up eating more later on. Have this for breakfast or anytime of day to keep you satisfied and safe from the temptation of all of those holiday cookies and pies :) The chia seeds support your digestion, keep you hydrated and supply you with an optimal balance of essential fatty acids. The goji berries pack a serious antioxidant punch and have a range of benefits too numerous to list without turing this into a nutrition lecture. The lucuma is low glycemic and mineral rich and the Spirulina Crunchies are a vegan protein powerhouse (not to mention all of their other amazing benefits, you can read more on our site). And even if you're not a fan of Spirulina Crunchies (though most everyone I know is), this dish totally disguises their taste and is the perfect way to sneak them into your diet. By the way, I'm in New York City right now so I can attest to the benefits of this recipe when you're away from home and your usual provisions. Happy Holidays everyone! Survival Porridge
"Holiday Survival" Superfood Porridge 2 T chia seeds 1 c water (+ water for soaking gojis) 1/4 c goji berries 3-4 T lucuma powder 1-2 T spirulina crunchies pinch vanilla powderjarrah bee pollen, optional Soak the goji berries for 1 hour or more (I soaked them for 3 hours). Stir the chia seeds into 1 c of water until they start to expand (stir for a few minutes so they don't clump together). Let soak at least 10 minutes, I find it convenient to start soaking them when I start the goji berries (soaked both for 3 hours). After both are soaked and the gojis have plumped up, stir most of the gojis and all of the lucuma and the vanilla powder into the chia, adding some of the goji soak water to reach your desired consistency. Top with the remaining gojis and the Spirulina Crunchies (or you can mix the Crunchies in to disguise their taste) and enjoy! This is also delicious topped with Jarrah bee pollen :)
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